Friday, January 6, 2012


One thing that has bothered me and caused me much trepidation was the fact that their website still shows the original Visx S4. I've contacted the doctor, the nurse, the receptionist, and everyone in between for assurance that the laser is the latest Visx Star S4 IR.  They all assured me that it is... but yet I was still worried. Why wouldn't they advertise the fact that they have the latest and greatest technology?

Here is the screen shot of the website the name of the machine highlighted in yellow.
How can they convince patients that they are using the latest and greatest when their own website states otherwise? Notice how there is no mention of IR or Iris Registration? This is what the AMO website describes as Advanced CustomVue. Notice the highlighted lettering:

Well, it is the IR. I saw the machine. The website should be updated to show the IR and the Fourier upgrade to help future patients understand that they are using the latest technology VISX Star S4 IR and Advanced CustomVue.

I know it could have saved me a lot of headaches.

(Update 1/9/12: To reinforce our decision of selecting the Visx S4 IR, here is a great comparison of this laser versus other. All of these are facts can be checked via other Internet sources.

  1. Widest FDA approval
  2. Fourier algorithm has the highest resolution for wavefront scan
  3. Iris Registration and 3D Eye Tracking
  4. VISX was the original Excimer laser which started this industry
  5. It is the most proven laser system

The wife is now home resting. We'll see how she feels tomorrow. I'll post more information regarding the procedure later. It was actually relatively painless. The most painful part of the entire surgery was the first part--paying for it! =)


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